dimanche 13 décembre 2015

Tired of this dc!!!!

Now seriously does any gm care about ppl getting discconected 100 times per day? i get a **** program detected guard fail ......... 10 times a day when my char is just fishing....... and the gog area is full off 1000 bots and i get disconected when im fishing because i bot wtf is this? i see messages on all every day 100 times boting not allowed does any gm bannes a bot? i don t thing so since all gog is full of bots and 1000 orc chars low lvl boting also with scrips lvl 1-40... so why do i pay to get nccoins to get disconnected fishing? fix this guard each and every time u do an update 2 weeks only problems nothing good

Tired of this dc!!!!

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