lundi 28 décembre 2015

Mentor / Mentee improvements

There should really be an update on the mentor / mentee benefits.

1. Penalty should either be eliminated, or be the same for both parties..either side can screw the other over.

2. The 50% xp bonus should go both ways. 5% is barely noticeable, but the 50% is very beneficial.

3. Keep the mentee receiving the R gear, and keep the mentor receiving mentee marks...that's fine.

4. Buffs. The mentor should also get the basic lvl 1 buffs that the mentee gets. I've noticed now that I'm 92+ that without an ISS, I have no buffs...but my mentee does! They don't have ISS's either, but due to the mentorship agreement they get free buffs....come on, let's be fair! It's not like they're anything special, but they beat no buffs at all, and make it possible to do something! And just as the mentor can give a harmony to the mentee...the mentee should be able to give the mentor a harmony!

Come on and think about it...if this is more of a give and take, equal ground agreement...then maybe they would last longer with randoms! It promotes community rather than selfishness (ie: I'll make my own mentees etc)

Please consider this.

Mentor / Mentee improvements

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