jeudi 10 décembre 2015

Game Overhaul (RANT)

Hello NC Soft.

I have been playing Lineage II since nearly the beginning with a few breaks here and there. But the constant factor for every time i returned to the game was how much worse the game has become. I think people for the most part will agree with me. Lineage II use to be about needing multiple people and classes to do PvP/PvE. You have taken that aspect out of the game for both sides.

For PvP all you need is an ISS with the 101 skill and a archer with the 101 skill and they can kill almost entire parties alone. Obviously gear has to do with this issue but because (archers) they are so over powered, 60% of people re-rolled to Yul to do this, thinking they will become the next Rambo. For example; if I am a 101 healer with a +8 Dark Leather Set LvL 7 attribute and all the other gear/talismans, and EVEN with knights harmony (for testing purposes), and rose/valiant scroll (reaching near 18,000 P. Def on healer) i still get hit for 100,000+. You have completely ignored the situation. Instead, you are more worried about creating events to suck real life money and adena out of players. The game is nearly dead and its a **** shame. You ban bots for botting adena but you don't ban players who use bot. How the hell does this even begin to make sense? It doesn't. Instead, you ban the bots from bringing adena into server, then create an event to spend adena (not real money) on so you just continue to suck the adena out of every server. By doing this you are ******* the market and making it nearly impossible for new players to even think about starting from the beginning. Your only goal now is to have a pay day rather then customer satisfaction. Because after all, without the players you would not even be doing this (and the way the population on servers go, it seems you will not have to worry about Lineage II for long).

About the current level situation and farming zones, it's ****. Yeah, you can go above level 101 and get increased level of skills, but let's face it. After level 101, people stop grinding in farm zones because whats the point. Again for example, the Yul; once they get their counter instinct what is the purpose to level and further? They can simply stay at level 101 and kill a lvl 103-104 Feoh. Because of this failure to anticipate the response to skills like this, you have emptied the farming zones, creating no opportunity to PvP. What happened to when you had to PvP for a EXP spot? Or while running to your XP spot, you run into war? That's how PvP use to begin. Not have a hero literally shout out in hero chat "So and So LOOKING FOR 7 vs 7". That completely destroys the purpose of a free world MMORPG. If I want to do arena type style PvP I can go play League of Legends, 100% FOR FREE. There needs to be farm zones for solo EXP and party EXP. It gets quite boring being in AF, with the same classes for hours. You have completely made the entire Tyrr/Wynn/Othell classes useless for PvP AND PvE. What are people suppose to do when they spend years into these characters and they log on one day and all of a sudden their character is under powered and no longer needed. I don't know if you are doing these things on purpose, maybe you have just a bunch of morons working at this corporation.

And once again with bots, you need to stop being half foot in and half foot out with this topic. We all know at any time you can see who is using a bot and who is not because everyone has seen the GMs ban bots and real players for using scripts. If you are going to ban bots, the ban them. Don't be bought over because maybe some of these people buy a lot of NC Coin. And if you are not going to ban bots, then stop banning bots that actually help the market so it is actually possible to play the game the way it is suppose to be played. Not buy NC Coins and sell them or even trade real life money for adena. You blame people for buying things with real life money but the real root of the problem is that you are to concerned about making money off of events and the NC Store, you forget to look at what your actually doing to the game.

In closing, i think most people will agree with me that the way they have handled bots, has been TERRIBLE. They way the have handled over powered classes, has been TERRIBLE. They way they have handled the PvE portion of Lineage II, and thinking of ways to create more zones to incorporate more solo play as well as small groups (like it use to be), has been TERRIBLE. The way they have been creating these events (not even events anymore because they are ever week) in an attempt to make money rather then HELP PLAYERS, has been TERRIBLE. Most likely people will tell me to stop crying and quit if I don't like the game but I do like the game, a lot. I can't leave because there is no other game out there like it. I can't stand by and just watch it become this bad with such few people and they still neglect to change anything.

Rant is over :eek:
Leave your thoughts and ideas below! We will see if NC Soft is truly brave enough to take players on in this thread and to maybe get some real answers out of this corporation.

Thanks Guys!

Game Overhaul (RANT)

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