lundi 14 décembre 2015

Daily Exp Boost

My suggestion is quite simple...


After completing kartia's group instance, give players a 2 hour buff that increases exp when grinding by 200%.


- Grinding past lvl 85 is too slow and painful, you really have to rely on cash shop vitality items or runes to be able to grind effectively.

- That being said, most people just login to do their daily K85 or K90, etc and instances such as zaken.

- Grinding without cash shop items is only slightly better than fishing.

- People would rather use their exp runes with K85, K90, etc, than with grinding.


- Make grinding more efficient and actually worth it during those 2 hours.

- Keep players logged in for longer and "make the game more lively" with people looking for grinding parties, etc.

- Believe me, players wouldn't waste a 2h exp buff if they could get it daily. They would have a bigger incentive to log in everyday and do the instance.

- Players would also have more incentive to stack their L2 store bought exp items with this buff.

- Promote party play


- Kartia's instance (group) is almost bot-proof, it's hard to be done by mindless bots due to it's innate "difficulty". This is not true for some other instances like zaken. This means the players getting the buff would be real players.

- You already have a party set after you finish the instance, meaning some people could use that and go grinding with the same party afterwards.

- A quest for kartia's instance (group) already exists, so you could use that already in game feature and make the quest reward a 2h exp buff item as well. This way players can use the item and get the buff whenever they feel like it.

- Adding such feature to the game would be easy in terms of implementation.

- This buff wouldn't make leveling way too fast because grinding is already hella slow. Obviously, it would be faster, though.

- The exp runes rewarded through daily mission system are awesome for players below lv 85 and I believe everyone enjoyed them. The buff I'm proposing is something similar to that but to players past lvl 85.

Special Notes:

- Maybe make the exp buff unable to work with raid bosses (cause that would make leveling way too easy).

- Maybe limit the buff to 1 a day even if you have kartia passes to use (If implemented as the quest reward, this would already be true).

- Please don't make the buff disappear with player's death.

Daily Exp Boost

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