dimanche 20 décembre 2015

Can someone explain this, pls?

The Source: http://ift.tt/1O1XvHi

Look the names on ******* Script:


include AntiHide.enc
include scripts/olytime.txt
include scripts/Common.txt
include scripts/oly_damage_meter.txt

//################################################## ################################################## ################################################## #
//############################## Assist CTRL+A ################################################## ##################################################
//################################################## ################################################## ################################################## #

F: info = zone ~= 12 and not isMember(target(me)) and target(me) ~= me
// Dagger Assist/NextTarget

V: pDelay, MA, CenterX, CenterY, CenterZ, PZone, RandomPZone, RandomMS, \
ToggleDelay, RandomCA, MinFollowDist, MaxFollowDist, AssistRange, \

// Default 0 min, 200 max follow range:

L MinFollowDist = 0
L MaxFollowDist = 400

// Range between MA mob and MA before assisting.
// Note you must also be within max follow dist from MA:

L AssistRange = 1100

// Random Delay in miliseconds before assisting MA each time they target.
// Default random between 500 and 800ms.

F: AssistDelay = { MASelectTime = (now + Random(200,400)) }

?assizt @TargetSelected actor == MA and attackable(target(MA)) : (1000) Assist(MA) safe
?assizt T(1000) (MA) and not dead(target(MA)) : select(target(MA)) safe

// Pickup and NextTarget hotkeys:

F: DoPickup = { PressKey F7 }
F: DoNextTarget = { PressKey F10 }

@Teleport actor == me : CenterX = 0;

?DPvE @TargetSelected MA and name(actor) == MA : =AssistDelay

>#A (now > pDelay) : {
Display 1 ("MA CLEARED.");
MA = 0;
pDelay = (now + 300);
} :
if((not target(me) or npc(target(me))) and not MA){
Display 1 ("Player target required for MA.");
pDelay = (now + 300);
} :
if(target(me) and not npc(target(me)) and not MA){
Display 1 ("MA set to: "..name(target(me)));
MA = name(target(me));
pDelay = (now + 300);

>#O (now > pDelay) : {
Display 1 ("Center Point Cleared!");
CenterX = 0; CenterY = 0; CenterZ = 0;
} :
if(not CenterX){
Display 1 ("Center Point Created: "..xpos(me).." "..ypos(me).." "..zpos(me));
CenterX = xpos(me); CenterY = ypos(me); CenterZ = zpos(me);
} ;

F: canAct = (zone~=12 and alive(me) and not (nowCasting or acting or isSitting(me) or isStunned(me) or isMedused(me)))

F: canCast(s) = (canCastSkill(s) and skillLevel(s) and (pmp(me) >= 10) \
and not (SkillCoolTime(s) or nowCasting or acting or isSitting(me)))

F: BehindTarget = ((angle(target(me),me) >= 25000) and (angle(target(me),me) <= 32768))

F: isNPC(o) = (alive(o) and npc(o) and attackable(o) and targetable(o) and (now - lifeStart(o) >= 1000))

F: isPvPTarget(o) = (alive(o) and (isEnemy(o) or isFlagged(o) or isTwoWayWar(o)) and not (isFriend(o) or isMember(o) or o == me))

F: DoBuff(s) = (alive(target(me)) and canCast(s) and ((effectTime(s) < 15000)))

F: DoToggle(s) = (alive(target(me)) and canCast(s) and not effectLevel(s))

F: needTarget = ((not isPvPTarget(target(me)) \
and not isNPC(target(me))) \
or dead(target(me)) \
or (CenterX and DistanceBetween(xpos(target(me)),ypos(target(me)), CenterX,CenterY) > 250) \
or (target(MA) and (target(me) ~= target(MA))))

F: hasCoords(o) = (xpos(o) and ypos(o) and zpos(o))

F: UsePZone = (hasCoords(target(me)) and (distance(target(me)) < 900) and groupStatus("AoE") \
and (now > RandomPZone) and canCast($PoisonZone))

// AutoFollow

F: ShouldAF = (zone == 12 or not (isNPC(target(MA)) or isPvPTarget(target(MA))) \
or (distance(target(MA), MA) > AssistRange))

F: ShouldNotAF = (zone~=12 and (isNPC(target(MA)) or isPvPTarget(target(MA))) \
and (distance(target(MA), MA) <= AssistRange))

?AF T(1000) ShouldAF : \
AutoFollow(MA) MinFollowDist MaxFollowDist follow AF

?AF T(1000) ShouldNotAF : \
AutoFollow(0) MinFollowDist MaxFollowDist follow AF

!AF T(1000) AutoFollow(0) MinFollowDist MaxFollowDist follow AF

S EnableGroup AF off;

// Check if we should assist MA:

F: AssistMA = ( \
MA \
and (now > MASelectTime) \
and (isPvPTarget(target(MA)) or isNPC(target(MA))) \
and ( \
(not groupStatus("AF") or (ShouldNotAF)) \
and (distance(MA, target(MA)) <= AssistRange)) \
and (target(me) ~= target(MA) \
) \

// Check if we should follow before attacking:

F: MAFollowCheck = (not MA or not groupStatus("AF") \
or (MA and groupStatus("AF") \
and (ShouldNotAF) \
and (distance(MA, target(MA)) <= AssistRange)))

F: DistanceBetween(x1,y1,x2,y2) = sqrt(((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1)))

F: ShouldMoveBack = (CenterX and (DistanceBetween(xpos(me),ypos(me),CenterX,CenterY ) > 250))

F: ShouldStepBack(o) = (isNPC(o) and isStunned(o) and not BehindTarget)

F: ShouldBluff(s) = (not isStunned(target(me)) and canCast(s))

// Pickup
VO: DropTime, MyDrop, PartyMob
E: PartyTargetMob, MobTargetParty

L charFunctor PartyTargetMob (alive and isMember and npc(target(actor)) \
and alive(target(actor)) and not PartyMob(target(actor)))

L mobFunctor MobTargetParty (isNPC(actor) and (isMember(target(actor)) or (target(actor) == me)) \
and not PartyMob(actor))

@Item npc(from) and dead(from) : AssignObject(object),DropTime = now + 10000

@Item npc(from) and dead(from) \
and (from == target(me) or (PartyMob(from) > now)) : AssignObject(object),MyDrop = 1

L ItemFunctor 1 ( \
MyDrop(actor) \
and Pickable(item) \
and item \
and itemName(item) \
and not (item == 10213) \
and (sdistance < 175*175) \
and (abs(zdiff) < 100) \
and (DropTime(actor) > now) \

?Pickup T(200) : {
AssignObject(target(lastFound)), PartyMob = (now + 20000);
} ;
} ;
AssignObject(lastFound), PartyMob = (now + 20000);
} ;
} ;

S EnableGroup Pickup off;

//and (pmp(me) <= 35 or php(me) <= 70)
F: ShouldPickup = (groupStatus("Pickup") and itemsCount(1))

?DPvE T(300) (now > ToggleDelay) and canAct : {
MoveTo (CenterX + Random(-20,20)) (CenterY + Random(-20,20)) CenterZ;
ToggleDelay = (now + 800);
} :
Cast $TyrrAura;
ToggleDelay = (now + 800);
} :
Cast $DualMaximumHP;
ToggleDelay = (now + 800);
} :
Cast $FeralBearCry;
} :
Cast $SecondWind;
} :
if(DoBuff($Berserker) and php(me) < 70){
Cast $Berserker;
} :
Cast $DuelistWrath;
} :
Cast $SpiritOfTheSlayer;
} :
} :
Assist(MA) safe;
} :
if(not alive(MA)){
} ;
} :
if(MAFollowCheck and isPvPTarget(target(me))){
if(canCast($PowerProvoke) and groupStatus("AoE") and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 600*600)) {Cast $PowerProvoke} :
if(canCast($Eruption) and groupStatus("AoE") and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 600*600)){Cast $Eruption} :
if(canCast($LightningDisarm) and groupStatus("AoE") and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 600*600)){Cast $LightningDisarm} :
if(canCast($LastAttack) and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 300*300)){Cast $LastAttack} :
if(canCast($SonicRage) and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 600*600)){Cast $SonicRage} :
if(canCast($JumpAttack) and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 700*700) and sdistance(target(me)) > 400*400){Cast $JumpAttack} :
} :
if(MAFollowCheck and isNPC(target(me))){
if(canCast($PowerProvoke) and groupStatus("AoE") and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 600*600)) {Cast $PowerProvoke} :
if(canCast($SonicRage) and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 600*600)){Cast $SonicRage} :
if(canCast($Eruption) and groupStatus("AoE") and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 400*400)){Cast $Eruption} :
if(canCast($LightningDisarm) and groupStatus("AoE") and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 600*600)){Cast $LightningDisarm} :
if(canCast($LastAttack) and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 300*300)){Cast $LastAttack} :
if(canCast($JumpAttack) and (sdistance(target(me)) <= 700*700) and sdistance(target(me)) > 400*400){Cast $JumpAttack} :
} ;


V: ARez
L ARez = 0

?DPvE @Resurrection (zone~=12 and dead(me) and (isMember(actor) or actor == me)) : ARez = (now + Random(800,1500));
?DPvE T(500) (zone~=12 and dead(me) and ARez and (now > ARez)) : Revive 1; ARez = 0;

//################################################## ################################################## ################################################## #
//############################## Auto Buff ################################################## ################################################## ####
//################################################## ################################################## ################################################## #

?pvp T(500) CanAct and effectTime($CelestialPartyProtection) < 1500 : Dispel $CelestialPartyProtection
?buff T(1000) canAct \
and not effectLevel($TyrrAura) \
and canCast($TyrrAura) : Cast $TyrrAura
?buff T(1000) canAct \
and not effectLevel($DualMaximumHP) \
and canCast($DualMaximumHP) : Cast $DualMaximumHP
?buff T(1000) canAct \
and not effectTime($FeralOgreCry) \
and canCast($FeralOgreCry) : (Random(6000,10000)) Cast $FeralOgreCry
?buff T(1000) canAct \
and not effectTime($Berserker) \
and php(me) < 70 \
and canCast($Berserker) : Cast $Berserker
?buff T(1000, 3000) canAct \
and not effectTime($DuelistWrath) \
and canCast($DuelistWrath) : Cast $DuelistWrath
?buff T(1000) canAct \
and canCast($SecondWind) : (Random(3000,6000)) Cast $SecondWind
?buff T(1000) canAct \
and not effectTime($SpiritOfTheSlayer) \
and canCast($SpiritOfTheSlayer) : (Random(6000,10000)) Cast $SpiritOfTheSlayer

//################################################## ################################################## ################################################## #
//############################## Olympiad Messages & Target ################################################## ######################################
//################################################## ################################################## ################################################## #

V: PreviousTarget
L CharFunctor 777 alive(actor) and actor ~= me and distance(actor) < 2000
?oly T(500) charsFind(777) >= 1 and zone ~= 12 : select(lastfound) safe

?oly @MagicSkillUser target(actor) == me \
and (skill == 10508 or skill == 10510 or skill == 10511 or skill == 10509) : ComeTo xpos(actor) ypos(actor) zpos(actor) 0 1 > ComeTo xpos(actor) ypos(actor) zpos(actor) 0 1

>+D EnableGroup oly on ;
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$CelestialProtection) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("has cs -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$CelestialPartyProtection) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("has cs -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$BattleRhapsody) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("they br'd!")
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$ArcaneBarrier) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("barrier up -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$FinalUltimateDefense) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("ud -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$ProtectionOfFaith) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("party ud -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$AngelsTouch) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("angels -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$FinalUltimateEscape) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Final Ultimate Escape -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$UndyingWill) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("undying! -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$PartyRescue) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("party rescue'd -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$SteelMind) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Steel mind on -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$Spallation) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Spallation on -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$GravityBarrier) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Gravity Barrier on -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$SpikeShield) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Spike Shield on -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$CrystalForm) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Crystal Form on -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$MeleeReflect) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Melee Reflect on -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$AngelOfDeath) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("AngelOfDeath on -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$Berserker) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Berserker on -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$Guts) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Guts on -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$Guts) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Guts on -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),$Frenzy) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Frenzy on -> "..name(target(me)))
?oly T(500) info and \
effectTime(target(me),21477) > 0 \
: ScreenMessage 2 1 1 2000 1 ("Abundance on -> "..name(target(me)))
T(500) groupStatus("oly") : EnableGroup pvp off; EnableGroup coc off; EnableGroup AutoT off

//################################################## ################################################## ################################################## #
//############################## Creature Say ################################################## ################################################## #
//################################################## ################################################## ################################################## #

T: CommandAllowed
L =tableClear(CommandAllowed);

// CommandAllowed["PLAYERNAME"] = 1;

L CommandAllowed["Princess"] = 1;
L CommandAllowed["maYn"] = 1;
L CommandAllowed["Nazghul"] = 1;
L CommandAllowed["Suricata"] = 1;
L CommandAllowed["KingScoobz"] = 1;
L CommandAllowed["SuperRad"] = 1;
L CommandAllowed["toogood"] = 1;

@CreatureSay type == 3 and text == "log!" and CommandAllowed(aname) and (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) : Logout forced
@CreatureSay type == 3 and text == "pl" and CommandAllowed(aname) and (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) and partyLeader == me : command("/changepartyleader ".. aname)
@CreatureSay type == 2 and text == "." and CommandAllowed(aname) : invite random_spoil (aname)
@CreatureSay type == 2 and text == "dropit" and CommandAllowed(aname) and (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) : command("/leave")
@CreatureSay (type == 3 and text == "assist me" or text == "mame") and CommandAllowed(aname) and (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) : Display 1 ("ma -> "..aname); MA = (aname); EnableGroup assizt on
@CreatureSay type == 3 and text == "afme" and CommandAllowed(aname) and (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) : Display 1 ("following -> "..aname); MA = (aname); EnableGroup follow on
@CreatureSay (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) and type == 3 and text == "ch?" : UseItem(1829)
@CreatureSay (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) and type == 3 and text == "castle?" : UseItem(1830)
@CreatureSay (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) and type == 3 and text == "ch!" : UseItem(5858)

@CreatureSay alive(me) and type == 3 and (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) : {
if(text == "a1" and itemCount(46146)){UseItem (46146);};
if(text == "a2" and itemCount(46147)){UseItem (46147);};
if(text == "a3" and itemCount(46148)){UseItem (46148);};
if(text == "a4" and itemCount(46149)){UseItem (46149);};

@CreatureSay zone~=12 and (text == "plow?") and CommandAllowed(aname) and type == 3 \
and (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) : \
CenterX = 0; \
MA = (aname); \
EnableGroup DPvE on; \
EnableGroup AoE on; \
EnableGroup AF on; \
EnableGroup buff on;

@CreatureSay zone~=12 and (text == "wait?") and CommandAllowed(aname) and type == 3 \
and (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) : \
CenterX = 0; \
MA = (aname); \
EnableGroup DPvE off; \
EnableGroup AoE off; \
EnableGroup AF off; \
EnableGroup buff off;

@CreatureSay type == 3 and text == "stop follow" and CommandAllowed(aname) and (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) : EnableGroup("AF") off
@CreatureSay type == 3 and text == "follow me" and CommandAllowed(aname) and (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) : Assign MA = actor ; EnableGroup("AF") on
@CreatureSay type == 3 and text == "gicobbe follow me" and CommandAllowed(aname) and (isMember(actor) or (actor == me)) : Assign MA = actor ; EnableGroup("AF") on

//################################################## ################################################## ################################################## #
//############################## Widgets off on start ################################################## ###########################################
//################################################## ################################################## ################################################## #

E: EscapeNPC

L MobFunctor EscapeNPC (npc(actor)==30134)

// oren = 1010013
// gludio = 1010005

?peaceOFF T(500) mobsFind(EscapeNPC) > 1 and zone ~= 12 : if(lastFound){select(lastfound) > attack};
?peaceOFF @Dialog Match(".*Uh, can I teleport?.*", dialog) : Dialog .*Uh, can I teleport?.*;
?peaceOFF @Dialog canAct and match(".*1010013.*", dialog) : Dialog .*1010013.*;

S EnableGroup Escape off

?peaceOFF T(500) zone == 12 : EnableGroup plow off ; EnableGroup buff off ; EnableGroup pvpfd off ; EnableGroup Pblck off ; EnableGroup 1K off ; EnableGroup pvp off ; EnableGroup base off ; \
EnableGroup oly off ; EnableGroup OlyMode off ; EnableGroup AutoT off ; EnableGroup xppots off ; EnableGroup favor off ; EnableGroup AllOff off ; EnableGroup Escape off ; \
EnableGroup HoldT off ; EnableGroup HZJwls off ; EnableGroup ShrtHeal off ; EnableGroup DPvE off ; EnableGroup AF off ; EnableGroup Pickup off ; EnableGroup Counter off ; \
EnableGroup AoE off ; EnableGroup assizt off ; EnableGroup Topaz off ; EnableGroup rudolph off ; EnableGroup aTk off

S EnableGroup plow off
S EnableGroup buff off
S EnableGroup pvpfd off
S EnableGroup Pblck off
S EnableGroup 1K off
S EnableGroup pvp off
S EnableGroup oly off
S EnableGroup OlyMode off
S EnableGroup AutoT off
S EnableGroup xppots off
S EnableGroup favor off
S EnableGroup AllOff off
S EnableGroup HoldT off
S EnableGroup HZJwls off
S EnableGroup ShrtHeal off
S EnableGroup DPvE off
S EnableGroup AF off
S EnableGroup Pickup off
S EnableGroup Counter off
S EnableGroup AoE off
S EnableGroup assizt off
S EnableGroup Topaz off
S EnableGroup rudolph off
S EnableGroup aTk off

Hard to play with dishonest players.. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Can someone explain this, pls?

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