mercredi 29 avril 2015

Dear Astonishing


Let me clear the air on a few things.

1.) Yes, you have multiple clan skills. However, the refusal to increase those levels makes for a very poor argument about those of us that left.

2.) You expect those whom you have appointed Officers within the clan to do everything, yet you do not provide the needed permission.

3.) You expect A LOT from your members, yet what have you done for your members? I not only gave members items in return for nothing, but I've helped level Academy members, and even sent gifts through the L2Store to further those Academy members. And still you expect those active members, whom YOU have done little to nothing, to do Raid Bosses and provide YOU with the drops.

4.) YOU were the one that was focused on a clan hall, not your members. You would know this if you spent any time actually communicating.

5.) My last one. You are like an absentee landlord. No where around when something is broke, but when rent is due you come crawling out from under your rock.

Even with all this said, I'm more than happy to continue grouping with any member of Crimson Tide and helping them any way I can. However, if you continue down the road you are on, you won't have any members. It will just be you and all your other toons.

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