mercredi 18 mars 2015

Old player from kain server

Hello I played L2 back when U.S Beta was launched then for a few years afterwards.

Kain was my main server hang out as a scavenger.

I was wondering what to expect from the game after being away for so long.

can I still get a pet wolf and level it.. Can I still enjoy one shot death spikes from a necromancer....those were a fun few weeks :)

Are clans still able to forum alliances?

Been wanting to pop back into L2 for a while just World of Warcraft raiding was eating all my free time.

Now that I have some down time I figured I'd give L2 a try again.

O I almost forgot did they do away with sub classing?

And what server should I join to just relax and enjoy the game?

I recall Kain being pretty crazy with clan wars breaking out every other week and always having to watch what area I was roaming about.

Good times having 40+ clan/alliance members show up just to stop me from being Pked any more.

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