dimanche 27 juillet 2014

/Olympiadstat command

Good Afternoon (Using Bing Translator)

I wanted to propose a change in command of the game:/olympiadstat, Yes, this command we use so we know how many fights we had, our points, how many fights are the number of WINS and losses and everything, but I wanted to propose a change for this, continue with this command, but we can only use this command on oneself, i.e.We can only know information about us, our char, but we cannot know or have information of another person's character. That is, if we click another character and type the command, it will not give any information, it just gives only information of our character. Why I'm proposing this change:

1-This prevents the large clans from monopolizing too much the Hero system, or at least make the Olympic games more exciting. Give an example that actually occurred, the server my friend Shilen was winning on points and would become a Hero, but he's a clan medium, and ai players on the clan Server dominant Shilen clicked and learned how many fights he had, how many defeats, knew of his points and with it the Hero's current such clan that would lose began to be helped by his clan members, i.e. the Heros or players of this clan with many points began to let him defeat them to win and so achieve the points needed to continue as Hero, not to mention the loan of items so that it does not lose case took other characters from other clans that could defeat him.

2-Changing this, causing the/olympiadstat command just give information about your character let things even more exciting, because it will force players to be more careful, and at the same time will become a complete mystery, because you won't have this additional information, that is, it knows how many points the other has and or the other knows he has points informationand that would of course they spent points, but they wouldn't have sure if these points were enough really passed. As the funniest of the Olympics and COC is that the player has to prove that he is superior to another, prove he's a great player and his character is the best, but when you have data points and set just for clanmember become Hero, then I see no reason to continue the Olympicsbecause if we see today the Heros, we will see that more than half are Hero with items on loan for Olympics, using Bot to make players struggles and have more chance of winning, and members of the clan leaving were defeated to give points, because they know exactly how many points is the enemy, not to mention that these large clans have a amount of lvl 85 characters which only Logan last week, and record in the Olympics to spend points, is risky because it is not known who would fall, but do it Yes ...

Remember, this change would be perfect, because using the command/olympiadstat just so we know about our progress is enough, not allowing this command is used to find out from other characters would somehow make even more the monopoly of Hero.

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