mardi 29 juillet 2014

Lawless Clan - Brand New Clan - is recruiting.

Our clan is currently level 5 and we are working on getting a vent/ts3/mumble for the clan. We are also working on getting the clan a clan hall, but that feat may take us some time.

About the founders;

A few days ago me and a few of my friends decided to make an L2 clan fitting to our in-game personalities. We love doing whatever we want in-game and hate it when clan's or other players hinder us with rules because of politics.. so we decided to make our own clan. Thus, Lawless clan was born. No rules, no laws, no nothing.. we do as we please in-game. If we want to KS your raidboss, or buff it, we will. As well as kill you if we see fit. Now don't get us wrong.. we aren't jerks in our eyes.. but heck we're not going to pass by an open field raidboss and not hit it because some CP was there first and is hitting it.

The Clan's Goals;

Open Field Raids are going to be our clan's primary objective. With more members we'll incorporate instanced raids into our day-to-day activities. Our clan is going to be focused primarily on PvE objectives until we can stand our own in PvP. We are not opposed to PvP, we are just aware of our current standing, and that standing forces us to be primarily a PvE clan. This will not stop us from going to participate in sieges or forts or other small-scale pvps.

Who We Want; We want members who can speak, type, and understand English. This is something we require and definitely want more than anything else at the moment. If you can speak English well.. guess what.. you're in!

Clan's History; There is no history for our clan, nor are we pretending to be another clan from the distant L2 past to gain renown or members. If you knew a clan called "Lawless" in L2 on a different server.. know that we are not them.

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If what was stated above sounds appealing to you, then please send one of our leaders or officers a PM.

Lawless Clan's Leader; Monstrous

Lawless Clan's Officers; Nishika, Equitibal, and Frikoas.

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