mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Adena drop/spoil rate nerfed

I know nothing will change, but by doing stupid changes like nerfing adena/spoil rate will only make more bots. There are already tons of bots in all NC west servers. The few Legit Players that are still playing this game (i know lol :D), are going to quit. Already the servers are dead and need a merge, and by taking such actions you killing what's have been left from L2.

Ofc everything me or anyone else will comment about this, will not get your attention or one comment of WHY you did this. Anyway good luck with your Lineage-dollar-profit-2 changes.

Gl with your victims NC. I am getting my *** out of here. All reasonable people will.

P.S I posted the thread in this section because its a question to the NC west staff. Retorical question, because we already know the answer.

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