dimanche 15 novembre 2015

No adena drop/quest rewards for free players

I think economy is rly rly bad in L2 now, im 90 lvl on my main and most of the time i have almost no adena, drop rate is terrible, i spent more adena on BSSR per mob than it drop, spoiling is waste of time cos spoil rate is bad and prices are low.

If l2 wants to stay f2p sure but nerf f2p drops and spoils even more! With prestige pack any player should gain more adena than he spends for killing mob and this is impossible just cos of gold sellers - bots.
I just don't farm, at all, just do dailies and logoff cos there is no benefit of grinding, exp is not worth it if you dont do it all day and drop is not worth it anyway.

Most of people NC is getting money from , who buy nccoins will have zero problems with buying prestige, most of the people who play f2p will never invest any money in game and NC has no use of them.

I want normal, rewarding grind where good stuff drops, where good gold drops and spoiling is fun and addictive, you never know what you will get in next spoil cos for now i know i will get this .i.

Im so used to games like diablo 2, path of exile where in every map you run you have chance of legendary item, but here its just not rewarding enough to be fun.

With that 100% prestige drop rate i still get less adena than i spent on killing mob, and its lame. Nerf to the bone f2p. f2p is like demo, if you like game = support it, prestige is not cheap but still affordable. Im doing all dailies and even there rewards are pure garbage at least at lvl 90, just cos bots can easy script for doing dailies.

You can argue that botters will buy prestige and still get more cash, sure they will BUT AT LEAST CASUAL PLAYER LIKE ME WILL NOT RUN OUT OF ADENA TO BUY BSSR!!!!!

You can make that each login needs to be confirmed with security code from email, for me its not a problem i log in once, play for few hours and log off, if you need to run 24 bots = that's becomes a problem if code is written in good captcha

I rly love lineage 2, game mechanics allow to grind and chat easy and it makes this very social game but time when i face things like running out of shots or money for teleports i just dont know how long my patience will last.

No adena drop/quest rewards for free players

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