samedi 28 novembre 2015

Guides? Where art thou?

So i've played L2 before, thousands of years ago. I mean before GoD and everything else.
So i kinda lost. As in SUPER donnu what to do.
I created this Ertheia creature. Followed every quest. Grinding a level or 2 to update new Quest, i can manage that. But now im Stuck at 62, notification said i'll get new Quest at 65. So i tried to grind at Tower of Isolence competing against those robots that killin 1mob/sec. After countless of hours, returning to town every hour for buffs, dying atleast 20x, i only leveled ONCE!
It wasnt fun anymore.
And im still new to every feats of the game and guides are a lil bit outdated.
Is there anything i need to learn that arent listed in Getting Started Panel.
Please someone enlighten me.

P.S. Sorry for my bad english, i only learned from books.

Guides? Where art thou?

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