mardi 24 novembre 2015

About NC making money and p2w in gaming

Well im all for NC to earn profit and keep publishing game but it seems they are doing it the wrong way. Game is not free to play, if you play it for free you are in huge disadvantage just take in consideration 20% cd on evas rune, its 20% damage boost, 20% heal boost.. 30k hp pots? talismans, epics, enchants its clearly p2win

Its not free and it never will be, but there is an old saying - greedy person plays twice, at least in Latvia we say so.

There is no such thing as free in this world of gaming, you pay one or another way and as a gamer the sooner you find out that it is more effective to get you but off the chair, get some job, play on evenings and weekends and invest some little % of you earnings in to the game or if you are hardcore invest alot + you have cash to spent on party, woman, cars, new pc, sniffing glue and fun stuff like that :D

pay to play is not a bad game model, p2win is

There are few games that can manage to be f2p and still earn alot of cash, League fo Legends for example, i have played it for 2 seasons, have bought some skins that give 0 benefit to my stats just cos they are rly rly awesome, and if you look how much players that game have and how much money they make you can tell that im not the only one who invests there.
Like this teemo skin, cost me 20eur
Like this sona skin with actual soundtrack its not just visuals it comes with that ingame music

Another example is Path of Exile, with its skins and inventory slots, they have took another approach to drop, good , rly good stuff drops there alot so instead of nerfing drop and making people to pay for little more chance of dropping something they went "*** it , let it rain legendary" and instead after some time your inventory becomes full of rly good gear you will want to try out on another class so you just buy another inventory slot

With this im saying you don't need to *** up game to the point when with no cashing in its becomes slow, boring and not rewarding. Cashing in will come if game will be fun but not the other way. All these types of exp runes just show how much game should be speed up to not be boring at least at 1-85.

Afc knowing NC it would be pointless to ask for subscription type and no cash shop, ofc not cos you are just too greedy and even if you would make subscription again there would be still cash shop and it would make it p2w +subscription :D :D :D its so bad that its even funny

What you could do is make some level restriction to f2p players, like 1-99, f2p, from 99+ you need subscription like prestige pack. That would bring you some steady income. Everyone who has a job, or who's family has a job can afford 20 euros in month for a game, if you someone cant afford that - then stop playing video games and get a job already lol. But there is a thing, for that subscription - game needs to be rewarding, with drops you care to get with exp that make you progress b4 you hit pension, with that feeling that you come home from work , you log in your game and you have a good time instead of constantly boiling inside your head" - wtf is this drop, why this raid im killing for 30 mins is giving me 0 exp, why all my adena goes to spiritshots and im still doing garbage damage, do i need to reroll? i have spent so much time and now my character is just a cannon meat in pvp? why is spoil such a garbage, why i wasted my time on spoiler to get 2% spoil chance wof something that is at least not garbage?"

I have heard this argument - well Asian people are more realistic, they understand that life is not fair and so they are ok with p2w. Im saying this cos many Asian games are grind fest p2w. Once again who has not seen this plz, greet perspective form how developers think Back to topic, so that s why NC korea makes Lineage 2 so slow and boring to have that realistic life_is_not fair feeling?

Rly? Is that why you play videogames to feel that realistic life_is_not _fair feeling? I dont thing that life is not fair and im sorry if you your country makes you feel that way. My job is not easy and i work alot still its ok, im good ty. Weird people they are if they are motivated by this i must say. Im playing games cos there are things i do not want to experience for real like taking siege to some castle, ya its awesome in game but i don't rly want to kill someone in real life, its probably in genes of every male to like fighting, conquering some land and stuff like that but that's just an emotion i love to experience in games, and im not playing to feel realistic in that way, i want to get cool stuff, kill epic monsters, siege castles and kill enemies who are somehow +- equal in skill and gear so no one can tell me ( you won just cos you pay or cos you have spent your last 10 years in this game) i want competitive and fair gameplay and thrilling battles but it will not happen if NC keeps this - life is not fair, deal with p2w , strategy. game will keep losing players until the point when even big whales who are cashing the most will find it boring when there is no one to kill and then poof, its gone.

Game needs to become pay 2 play or at least some content needs to be locked for f2p, like sieges, epics so NC gets income w/o selling op stuff, at least at some end game point with may be some exceptions like clan who gets Aden gets that prestige pack while it owns it. I wonder what sieges would be like then if something this cool would be the price. Instead of exploiting that group of gambling addicts who will spent thousands of dollars for the gamble events or enchanting scrolls to get you spikes of income you should go in direction of steady but long term income, where you don't have to nerf drop to make people buy drop rune, make garbage exp so people buy exp rune, make garbage enchant chance so people buy enchant stones - just make affordable subscription that will make everything rewarding and so most people can afford it. Sure let there be f2p but until some level, except some content like sieges, epics, some levels, i dont know yet its much to think of and there are many variations hwo this could be done w/o p2w.

Well that't what i think of p2w, f2p, p2p for now. I would like to hear what other people think and lets discuss this to one goal, make L2 great, not decent, not bearable but great. There is nothing, literally nothing impossible if when it comes to e game, that's why people play them, you cannot make world perfect but you can make game that makes you feel like you live in one.

About NC making money and p2w in gaming

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