mardi 22 avril 2014

What I would like to see happen.

First, I would like to see it cost 49.99 to create new account. I feel that if u had this in place then the bans would go a lot further u figure 7x50= $350 per train that gets banned... thats going to make botting less viable.

Second, Increase the Drop rate of r99 gear significantly. (please note i am a fully OE'd geared 99 toon with full epics so dont think i want this to gear myself) by doing this it would do 2 things, first it would drop the bottom out of the rmt market, secondly it would put everyone back on an even playing field since nc has let the market get this bad to begin with. then when the new r100 (or whatever) comes out take the drop rate back to Goddess of destruction days.

Third, quit introducing huge stat changes that disrupts the balance of the game ie. Topaz, weaver, not to mention ever see diegovargas' HP?

Fourth, Remove the ability to bsoe or return while the person is in an immune type state. and make all SoE's port you outside an instance instead of inside yet another safe zone.

Lastly, get rid of safe zone based instances. im so tired of wartags being allowed the luxury of leveling primarily off kartia, and other instances that start in a safe zone. at least at istina i can camp for them to port out.

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