dimanche 27 avril 2014

keeps disconnecting

So I have recently moved and got a new router which I believe to be issue. I had no problem before I moved. Playing on same computer but new router. I disabled firewall for modem. I think I opened the ports they say to for lineage 2 but im not expert but I think I did it right. I can log on and as long as I stay moving I don't disconnect. I usually have 2 windows open 1 for shop and 1 for play. My shop disconnects as soon as a minute to 10 minutes constantly. The window I am playing on will stay connected if im out doing stuff and moving but if I am waiting for party to fill up I will disconnect if I stay still too long. I have same internet speed and am only playing on wireless as I did before. I didn't try connecting with cord its too short and I don't like them I prefer wireless I am on my laptop so it inconvenient any help is appreciated thanks.

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