mercredi 24 février 2016

Mysterious Teleport


I was afk, near the priest with the transfer skills in the church of Goddard, and was researching on the 3rd class on google.

Then when I switched to the client again, I found my character out of the Goddard Castle. Along with another who was probably also teleported there.

There was some war thing going on in the clan at that time, and I thought this was some kind of war event?? I was afraid that anytime there is going to be pvp.... Anyway I returned back to the city. But I am left with a huge mystery here.

How is it possible that I was teleported there??

Edit: I just want to add that if a GM teleported me, it was without reason and has really agitated me and disturbed my play. I want to stand next to the priest to research the transfer skills. I am not obstructing anyone and the place is not crowded. Instead of teleporting active players, you should be banning bots which are flying around in dozens. If it was a GM teleport, it makes me feel violated.

Mysterious Teleport

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