samedi 23 mai 2015

More Adena + item Drop is the Only way.

Hello Everyone,

I hope you guys are having fun playing this game, Lineage2.
After all, we all deserve it.

In my opinion, L2 is the greatest online game ever created,
a true master-piece with its own beautiful artwork and game system,
that I don't think there ever will be a game as great as Lineage2
ever again...

It's so sad that it's a dying game...

But I believe there a way to revive the game to its original glory.

Simply, Increase the Adena drop, or at least Adena reward for quests.

The reason is simple.

If players have enough adena just by playing the game Legit,
then there is no need for botting or buying adena from
Adena web-sites.

Number 1 reason why people leave this game = Botting.

When my main was level 58 and tried to do the level 58 steel door
coin quest at Forsaken Valley, there were Hundreads of the
questing area...and I mean Hundreds literally....(Chronos 3 months ago);
and what was supposed to be a 10-minute-quest turned into
3 hr quest...(lucky I was wizard so at least I could time for the Last shot
on mobs for quest item, melee classes were simply in the state of given-up...just sitting by the sight...I think a lot of people who were doing
that quest on that day left the game...)

Making Adena is so hard in this game that Some people go and buy
Adena directly from Adena sellers with Real Money...
The problem is...where do you think all those Adena comes from???
The answer is ... BOTS....Lots and Lots of them...
The more Adena people buy, the more bots there will be on that server...

I understand there are bots run by players themselves for adena making...

All of this will not be necessary if Adena drop increases...

What NC soft needs to understand is is NOT few high paying
customers that is the main driving force in this game.
It is the average players who enjoy this game for its own contents
that shape the game and its communities.

I mean who wants to have +8 Bloody set with +16 Bloody weapon
when s/he is the only one in the server?
Does it mean anything anymore?
Without majority of users gone, no1 will be able to sell or trade his gears
and playing the game will simply be meaningless.
An empty server with no1 to party with...with No one to PvP for, either...

Please NC, Increase the Adena drop and give Spoil back to the Dwarves
with its Item making...
Bring the economy back to L2 please, and no more selling them with N-coins and Hero coins at N-store..(they are devastating to L2 economy
and market price...)

For the sake of argument, let me make it clear for you, NC.

In future,
If there is no adena drop, No item Drop, No Exp, No SP from killing
mobs at all, and you make them available only at N-store...
i.e. people Pay the N-store for Exp, Sp and all their gears...
Do you seriously think people will play this game?

Selling Vitality items + cosmetics are ok...I suppose
I, myself have a job and have some money but not enough time to play
L2 for me +100% +200% exp runes I like and am willing to
pay...but everything else needs to GO AWAY!

Take Lavienda...LvL 3 Diamond has more Def than R99 heavy armor set...
and you make it only available in N-store only...

L2 is a great game and still has a lot of potential to go on....
Don't kill it pre-maturely please.
Find the way to draw more people to enjoy this game,
and you will have more business in the long run.

Even with a lot of Adena + item Dropping...I think the game is still pretty hard as it takes so long to level up to 99 and beyond...

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