jeudi 18 décembre 2014

What is going on?

1. NCWest staff apparently are in a constant vacation mode for a few months now! Either is the lack of replys to legit questions, (Like this and this, after all it's questions of products you trying to sell!) the "end" of Juji Lab, (Didn't even finish what he proposed to finish) or in some cases lack of moderation at all!

It's not that your doing this as a part time job, you actually are PAYED to do this!

2. Introducing items in L2Store without explaining what they do is unbelievable.

A few months ago you guys actually created a news in your website explaining each items. Now you don't even do that! We are not talking about cheap self explained items, we are talking about expensive items. (like the Holiday Gift Box, that is a complete junk item and cost 1000 NCoins, is that why you didn't put any information on it? To mislead players into buying it?)

3. I could talk about the events, the new L2Store introduced content, the lack of bot control, etc... but i don't think is worth any discussion since apparently is out of your hands.

You (NCWest) are making a respectable amount of money from this game so please, treat the players with a bit more respect by having a decent support here in game.

As a final note, i'm writing this with an alt toon account (account before the migration to email as login) because i can't login with my main account in forum. (No, i'm not banned, just have a dynamic IP so every time i try to login in forum or my account i have to verify my ip. Well today the system is not working, at least for me since i'm not receiving any emails from NC... One more thing to add to the pile...)

Sorry to bother you players with one more topic.

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