lundi 29 décembre 2014

Need advice against Adena-NCoin trade scam

Recently I was going to buy 400 NCoin gift (Rudolph agathion) with Adena from one guy, but he asked Adena first, said "as it usually is", it was my first time, I got confused and after short hesitation paid. Guy logged off ... next day played like he didn't remember ... Stupid me!

But after this someone told me that he bought NCoin in same way - paid Adena first, but got what he wanted. So can anyone experienced confirm that paying Adena first is really common in buying NCoin? If yes, why? Purchased NCoin item isn't tradable but needs to be sent as gift? But unopened gifts are tradable afaik and in this case paying Adena first isn't necessary.

Any safety advices?

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