lundi 22 décembre 2014

Is post GoD pvp relevant anymore?

Since the player who works at burger king ($7.25) cannot compete fairly with the player that works at microsoft ($150,000+/year), is there any relevance anymore in regards to "fair competition" or are we all supposed to submit to "life's not fair" therefore the "game is not fair"?

Biggest complaints thus far is, Brooch+Jewels, Shiny Shirts ($350+ venture), ability to pay for vitality, runes, maintenance pots, basically buy l2 store items that easily convert into adena that usually priced around $50USD = 1billion after you sell off the items (conspiracy? check l2store).

Rewards for spending $1,000 of dollars via hero coins. ($1,000=DivineEWR)

(a house $$$$= Rulers Authority).

Where does all this money go that is put into l2 store? Do we have the right to know? Is any of it going towards improving l2, or making l3?

As if that's not enough the fact still remains that more and more players just simply cheat script/bot at the game so bad without consequence until they are caught "red-handed" and reported enough, even so when a player is caught that doesn't mean they will get banned.

I know there is a poster on the forum that says "ohh well you know it's pay2win and if you can't afford to compete, tough beans"...

Yes, we are aware, and does it make us hate this game more than ever and want to quit it yes, but why should we.

It's a shame because this game would had been more successful if it stayed non-pay2win, not so many people would had quit l2. Some pvpers feel it's not worth more than $15 a month to spend on this game, and therefore they couldn't compete on a top-tier scale where they once stood so they were forced to leave. Pathetic.

What ever happened to obtaining items you can get from the l2 store from game as well, aside from the aesthetic items that no one cares about.

:confused: I'm not sure if pvp is relevant anymore, because too much pay2win you can see person with skill but if they cannot win without l2store is pvp or being able to win/lose relevant? Guess not. Omg bro my pixels killed your pixels huehuehuehHUEHUEHEUEHUEHUEHUEHUEhuehue

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