jeudi 22 octobre 2015

Quest lines suggestion.

I know some things are ment never to happen for this game but im just sayin.. :P

What im up to is to actually make Quest lines with good amount of xp/sp for people after 82.

Theres this kekropus letter thing that helps people level up faster and follow the quests untill 82 if im not wrong. And there comes the suggestion!

Why not to continue this kekropus or w/e its called after 85 also up to 105 in my opinion and/or even add more quests per area like chain quests you know the first Q brings a 2nd Q and so on.

Areas revamped like blazing swamp or Execution grounds known as Guilontine Fortress could be very nice Quest areas , quests that actually help people to level up faster or even get some great rewards other than a recipe for Mind elixir R Grade which most people sell it on grocery or even enchant armor R its useless as reward.
It would be really nice to see more quests per area quests that actually worth making xp/sp-wise and also reward-wise it would be just great.
Right now reaching for example 100 lvl and going @ Atelia you get like 3 single time quests thats lame... put like 40-50 quests for people either soloable or Co-op quests! It will be much more fun!

Wildhorn -> Shilen

Quest lines suggestion.

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