samedi 30 août 2014

Interesting reading LOL

I always try to find out what is going on with the automated player community and to see if NCsoft is having any impact on them. Today I was reading on one of their forums how some of them have been "scammed" out of their "hard earned" adena and items. These roaches of the servers are whining how they were wronged. They are on this game ruining spots for real players and get mad when they lose a few billion adena, LOL. No it wasn't me that did it, but I do think it is funny how they gripe about internet fees, new PCs to run their "operations", all their hard work gone due to a scammer! Guess what, real players spend money on internet fees and new PCs to actually play this game! I don't condone any type of scam, but in this case it was at least directed towards the right people! Not going to post the forum names but most folks already know where to go if looking for a good laugh or two!

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