mercredi 17 septembre 2014

Questions from returning player

I haven't played since C4 (I think). Needless to say, lots has changed. I had some questions: 1. In a few hours of playing, I was in B-grade gear. That's insane. Is this going to stop at some point and become good old L2, or is it now an ez-mode rollercoaster all the way to lvl99 or whatever is the new cap? 2. What's happened to the manor? I don't see any seeds or crops for any towns. 3. What's happened to the mats? I don't see anyone buying or selling mats like weapon blades and heads and low level mats like iron or charcoal etc any more. I'm guessing if those are gone, then that would explain the manor, too. And if that's the case, what happens to Spoil for Scavenger/BH? 4. With the newbie buffs supposedly now lasting all the way to lvl 75 or something, are buffers still even needed at all? Is the WC still a good buffer? 5. Did they make it possible to change subclass in the field, or do you still have to go speak with an NPC in town to do it?

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