mardi 23 septembre 2014

Aeore Shillien 87 lf Constant Party

As title says.



Aeore Shillien Saint

I v got no experience for anything after interlude chronicle.I m still filling gaps and building my knowledge base from scratch (and its going guud ;D )

15:00pm-05:00am play times.

Looking for a mature group of ppl for daily quests and group farm.

Teamwork and ability to adopt to each others needs is a must.

Any voice com program is a must once again for raids,pvp,hard xp spots.

Looting/Gearing rules : w.e majority wants.

I m sick of randoms and my previus cp members just didnt know what teamwork is so it was a painfull failure.

Contact IG : RestInPeac3

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