dimanche 30 novembre 2014

Goodbye, friends!

Cya someday Bartz, time to toss a coin to decide which server I'll transfer to :D

Goodbye to all my friends and clanmates who helped me and laughed with me through these almost 2 years of gaming.

ImperialWarriors (no, nothing to do with the Shillen guys), Raposa and friends, Muito obrigado!

INB4 people caring enough to say nobody cares :)

PS: Yes, there's this spot at Bloody Swampland where if you try to walk uphill, your toon will "bug" and be teleported to some meters above the ground, no Draco is needed :D And after a few steps you fall back to the ground. It's nothing exploitable, just a funny "feature" worth some screenshots. Found this when I was there one day looking for those nasty aliens.

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