mercredi 17 février 2016

LvL 80 Judicator and I can't do Dual Quest

I have Kamael Yul Tricster Main and did my 1st sub-class Inspecter ---> Judicator. The Judicator became level 80 and got the "?" mark asking me to go see 'Hadel' in Ye Sagira for Dual class quest; but when I go there, Hadel doesn't have any quest for me... IS THIS NORMAL? Or is it bugged?

Kamael Judicator can't level beyond LvL 80? I thought Judicator can level just like other dual classes to level 85 but I just gotta choose when I do my Awakwning Quest to select from ISS Hierophant, Blade Dancer, SwordSinger or Doom Crier.

LvL 80 Judicator and I can't do Dual Quest

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