lundi 29 février 2016

Wynn Ranged Pets vs Melee


Originally Posted by Amvrosia (Post 3520271)
3,9/4 Wynns use range pets for raid bosses so it doesn't really matter if they use spectral link or not! The damage they do is so low so even with the +30% crit dmg won't be noticeable!
Range pets are good for k95 until raid boss and for first stage of Octavis.
Nothing else(PvE...olys is other story).


Originally Posted by Ferine (Post 3520276)
Please explain to me exactly why you come to this conclusion?


Originally Posted by Amvrosia (Post 3520280)
Try baylor with range pets and try again with close combat pets and enlighten me why wouldn't it be what I say.


Originally Posted by Ferine (Post 3520282)
Because I've tested the full buffed, non buffed and full buffed + SoS etc damage of ranged pets vs melee pets on my 100 wynn dual.

I'm guessing you're making assumptions because of n00dles QQing about the "Critical Damage Nerf"?

(Of course melee does have a slightly better overall dps, but the main thing is making sure you get Counter Critical, the amount of summoners who are complete idiots and keep at range away from the boss so it won't CC them, and don't use Rage or Transform, is stupid).


Originally Posted by Attutmaruun (Post 3520284)
ranged pets have less atk speed, and crit multiplier 1.5, while close ranged pets have more atk speed and crit multi 2.0.

some wynns argue that it's better to use ranged, since they don't get stunned or hit, but that's what servitor blessing is for.

spectral link gives not only crit dmg, also crit rate and p.atak, L4 and L5 (plus cc) does give a kick.


Originally Posted by Ferine (Post 3520286)
I agree with the rest (as above) but the 1.5x crit damage stuff actually making a difference is just complete crap, I'm sorry.

If you check the damage of 100 melee vs 100 ranged summon next to each other you'll notice that the ranged summon actually crits for more damage than the melee summon in all situations. It's non-critical damage is also significantly higher for some reason.

So even with slightly lower atk speed the ranged pet's increased base damage makes it so there's not a huge dps difference.


Originally Posted by Amvrosia (Post 3520310)
I am a dark elf summoner 100 level on main, I try all pets I have had since GoD and I don't know how you come up to this conclusion.
Some pets are better for some use and others for other use.
No matter what anyone say Dark Crusaders are by FAR better in killing raid bosses than the ranged ones. I didn't create my char yesterday to be 100 in 10 days as most people. I tested gear after gear after gear to come to a conclusion based on personal experience.
Raiding summoner must be light armor and retributer and Close combat pets or to have A LOT of free time to waste.
Exceptions to this rule are: K95 until you kill all minions and then switch to close combat pets to kill Kalios and Octavis only for first stage.
I do k95 duo and if I try to do the raid with ranged pets it would take me 40+ mins to do! Now I am on 22mins.
My only QQ is for dark elf summoner ranged pets that don't have aoe skill as the soulless had. Only that.

Conversation from other thread....

Wynn Ranged Pets vs Melee

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