mardi 16 juin 2015

New Player

Hello guys..Im playing lineage from c3 but i havent played official seriously before (dont ask me where i was playing :) ) and i have a couple of questions before starting here
1st) Is it worth playing lineage 2 official if im not willing to pay for NCcoins? (idont ask for hero or smth like that im just asking to play competitive eventually eg can stay alive for 1 min at sieges without getting one shot)
2nd) Since i dont have a lot of experience at GOD+ what class should i make to find party more easily? ISS are needed as main chars?
3rd) I see only chronos and naia are viable options for new players... what server should i pick and why?
4th) Am i gonna be able to find party for kartia 85/90/95 harnak GOG etc as a new player or there are no ppl 97- ?
5th) I've read that after lindvior wynn is a PVE this (still) true?

Any other tips/suggestions/comments would be usefull!
thanks in advance

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