mardi 23 juin 2015

Guillotine Fortress, and bots


I`d like to comment what i consider a serious problem in server, and in particular in Guillotine.

As a spoiler, i get items there, but several days ago i was attacked by pks (player killers), whichs even seems to be managed by bots. The reason why I think like this is the **** that as soon as I get there, no matter if i`m far from where they are (later i`ll explain where they are settled), I am attacked.

These bots are stablished behind the bridge where teleport from clan hall send you, and after using skills which able you the enemy to loose target, they attack again, even if you are pretty far from that bridge.

In addition, it seems that these people who are botting 24 hours a day, wisper me injuring and with rude modes. As proof of this, here is a screen of what they say:

Ver Imagen:

GF = Guillotine Fortress

Whit this, and all this generaliced problem in this server, i really feel no keenness about wasting my money.

Its good now the server for free, but I`m sure there is other ways to earn money getting benefits and keeping the game as before.

Finally, I`d like to add that this bots problem is generally used in the whole map (Garden of Genesis, Nornils..and so on). Even in sieges, they dont bother about just playing. Instead, they settle a bot party at the entrance of Stchuttgard.

Very sad all this.

Thank you for your time

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