mardi 1 juillet 2014

The future death of Shilen Server

Using Bing Translator.

Is it really that some GM look the server and says in fact what occurs in it? Or them? Is there a GM for each server or the NCsoft against only 1 to save salary?

What I am observing is that, how does a clan can only take several castles and put their clans brackets to put these Dark castles and thus achieve adena, the name of this Clan: KSK. The most notable of all is to realize that the NC West is slow to observe the flight of players, either to other servers as New, the official Russian server, because I see people dropping the NC West isn't in the history of the comic.

The funnier than this Clan KSK where most players are Brazilians admit the use of ******* for both PVP and fight fight fight for Olympic COC, however as they speak in their native language, the Portuguese and the NC West doesn't take into account that, you have to be in English.

Most players of this clan the KSk use *******, they have filled the entire Shilen Server bot, the bigger and stronger are the ones who generate income and those who possess the best equipment, so I ask the GM, will be that in 1 year hasn't appeared for example another dagger capable of taking the hero of Dagger that is more than 1 year as a hero? Will a player playing the hand never make mistakes? Only if this human is perfect, or he always wears bot to play.

I won't name names, I think that it's getting embarrassing, it is already getting too absurd and GM do nothing, a clan just took several castles and placed their clans to be holders owners and so they make Aden, and worse, for another complaint that it's done, nothing is done, what else when Shilen server is bankruptcy and loss of players. If I were the rest of the players of Shilen, wouldn't buy more Ncoins and everybody transferring your characters to other servers and leave the empty Shilen and only for the KSK, because continuing the way this, there's no way, a clan that General uses ******* and everybody know that server and denounces not see resultthen people stop spending money on Ncoins and all transfer their characters to other servers, and let this Clan Bot called KSK stay on the server alone, since they think they own, since many times they made it clear that not anything you give them, and apparently, they're right.

Good night.

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