jeudi 17 juillet 2014

A Piece of Advice

Uhm, played GoD only for like 6 months, then I stopped.

I played on Naia(I'm an east-european myself, so server's time suited me).

I've reached like lvl 88 or something on an elf feoh wizard back then.

Didn't stay in touch with anybody, nor did I pay attention to all the updates.

I've tried to catch up on the forum but all I can find is complains about bots.

I wanna start playing again, either on Naia or Chronos. Chronos seems to be having more online people and I fancy the fact that I might get to use my English in a more positive way than I would on an European server with many latins that barely speak.

I'm looking for some advice about where to go and what to do. Is any of the servers still newbie-friendly? Will I even manage to find a clan pre-awakening? Do I have any chances of still enjoying the game without hardcore playing? Dafuq am I doing here? Haven't 8 years of l2 already wasted enough of my life? HALP!

EDIT: The fact that I didn't even use a cp-spammer back in the days, for pvps, makes me sad about the full-bot-parties people are talking? Dafuq am I going to do running around like a level85-new***?

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