lundi 26 mai 2014

The Siege (Off)Report *Things That Happen Over and Over, ala Hero Shout "U BOT"*

My Two Cents on Things That Happen Over and Over in This Game That May or May Not be Ridiculous

Number 1: Hero X, "UUU BOOTTT," Hero Y, "NO UUU"

Whoops wrong one...

Lets be real here. There are too many people with unclean hands (or lack of hands, generally) while playing this game for us to really even care about accusations. We get it already, so I think it's safe to say that I speak for the general public when I say, "No, you bot!"

Number 2: "Y U BSOE?"

Over and over people ask or say why BSOE, and over and over people BSOE to ultimately save themselves from you know, dying, which is kinda, you know, the logical thing. So....


Number Three: "Player X IS A SCAMMER WTF"

Maybe if people stopped being jerks to each other because of Internet anonymity and you know, tried to act at least somewhat decently, less people would be trying to screw over each other.

Number Four: "Y U STAY IN TOWN?"

And the peanut gallery responds, "Why are you staying in town too?" Enough said.

Number Five: "TOPAZ GG WTF LAME"

THIS people, this is a serious problem. Topaz is maybe the worst addition to the game yet and should be modified. This people, we should rally around and say, "DOWN WITH THE TOPAZ OPNESS" (proposed solution: Much longer CD?)

Let us be heard, NO MORE TOPAZ


Alright Gauri, long retreat from Moscow last siege, can you do what Napoleon could not and recover?

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