samedi 26 décembre 2015

Goodbye L2

Well, because of negative reports in the community, Lineage 2 is no longer on Steam. This means I can no longer play Lineage 2. Saying that, I will say it is not Steam's fault: it's NCSoft's. How can you possibly run a game for 10 years or more with so many Game Guard issues, bots, scammers, and hackers? I used to enjoy playing this game years ago, but it has turned in a bad way. I cannot download the NCSoft Launcher. I have tried several times and have had nothing but problems getting it to not only download, but work at all.

As a final word of advice before I take my leave, to the people scripting and botting to gain in game things to sell for real life money, not only is it against terms of service, it's against the law. According to the Online Copyright Act of 1994, all online materials are owned by their creator and cannot be reproduced nor sold without express permission by the owner. That means EVERYTHING in Lineage 2 is owned by NCSoft and if you are selling in game things for real money, that is copyright infringement and you are looking at thousands of dollars in fines and possible prison time. Now the REALLY bad news: If you are botting or scripting in order to gain items to sell for real money, not only is it copyright infringement, it is also considered HACKING. In the US, this is considered a FEDERAL OFFENSE and you can face up to $100,000 and up to 8 years in Federal Prison. If you're lucky, you get probation which means if you so much as sneeze at a smartphone for the next ten years, you serve the maximum penalty of 12 years Federal Prison.

If you think I'm BSing you, you don't know the US Government. Think about that when you are botting or scripting to sell things for money.

See ya, I'm going back to Playing World of Warcraft and waiting for Blade and Soul. Maybe NCSoft can do a better job with B&S.

Goodbye L2

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