jeudi 1 octobre 2015

what element should i use on weapons?

i have two toons, and i am still very confused about what element i should use on their weapons (e.g. holy, water, fire. etc) even though both toons have hit 99:

1. Elven Shillien Templar
2. Dwarven Warsmith Tyrr

Before Toon #1 was awaken, she was an elven elder, holy element generated damange 50% greater than other element. BUt since these toons awakened, it seemed that types of element no longer matter since attack skills are no longer element based. (except Elven Eva Saint's atk skills are dark based, go figure)

I tried to post this on "player question", but that board was hacked by a korea dude with massive spam

what element should i use on weapons?

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