mardi 7 juillet 2015

The drop rate / events

I have been playing this game way to long, and I have noticed that after this game was made "free to play", it has become a bit more tideous.

I am one of those that doesn't like the way events are run, if you take this recent event, with the watermellns, I have played like maybe 10 - 15 hours during the last 2 weeks, and I have gotten a total of 15 nectars (on all character, on all lvl ranges).
I would also adress the fact that there is a problem with this kind of events, players buy nectars of the l2store, and sells it for high price ingame, making a ton of cash, this makes the market very unprectiable in more then one way. (I have just noticed this beeing done), this could have been a lesser problem if the drop rate were higher. The economy on Chronos is bad, buying R99 gear is killing us !! (I am not saying that everyone should have top gear, I am just saying everyone should have a fair chance of geting it, before we pass the 100 marker)

I want old fashion events back, where we get some good stuff of the event, and the event is 100 % free, and where you can't buy your way into it. Or an event where grinding is a valid option, and NOT buying the items. and if this doesn't fit your new "profile", then why not make a mix, where you make it half 'n' half, where you have the items drop like now for 14 days, then open the l2store for items, (the NPC is there anyway).
or you have every event, withouth the posibility to buy items in l2store, just to keep the balance, which is way of atm.

and I would like to have some vitality prices, I also think that after you hit a certain lvl in this game that vitality just goes of, it takes like 5 - 10 min in the right party and the Vit is gone, that no good, or 2 rounds in K95.

I do think this should be adressed, due to the fact that the lvl cap have been raised, and if the game is to have high lvled players that enjoy the game, actions must be taken.

And I also feel there should be some changes to the healer class. As healer you can solo to 85 maybe a few more lvls after that, but when you pass 95 ! there is no way you can solo, first of all there are no good spots to solo, and second there are no good skills for healers, to do dmg. maybe this will change after you hit 99 and get the lakis disc skill (that I have not tested).

and yes, the bot problem, I must say I have seen less bots over the past year, and that is a good thing, but I have noticed the increase in "chat spammers". When I drop into a Town, lets say Giran, I get tons and tons of PM's telling me to go to "" (example). or I see players put up shops with the same info, that is really, not the way this game is to be played, and this is also forbidden by the EULA, so why do I keep seeing them in the every city in the game ? (this is on Chronos).

Well, just some thoughts...

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