jeudi 23 avril 2015

Wild Magic enchant route bugged?

So I made all my healer skills +10 Wild Magic where it was applicable.

As we all know, M.Crit rate is hard capped at 33%, so as I've got over 400 m.critical rate testing needed to be done.

On lvl 100 healer, 400 m.crit rate, lvl 3 ISS buffs:

+10 Wild Magic Panic heal, Critical Rate: 25% over 200 heals.
+10 Power Panic Heal, Critical Rate: 35% over 100 heals.

10 rounds of solo Dim warp with +10 wild magic enchant on nukes = 1-2 minutes slower each run than at lvl 99 in Ertheia update. That's despite gaining +23% m.atk in passives.

Conclusion: Wild magic enchant has no effect if already over 33% m.crit rate, even worse it might actually reduce critical chance.

Any Feoh/Wynn/Healer have similar results?

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