samedi 25 avril 2015

acctmigration Login name is unavailable

Soooo... this is where the game has gone? Ok, I get it, But I hit a snag. For two hours, Ive been getting this error "Login Name is unavailable. Please try another." And I get it, I am uncreative. Ive gone through all the names I would have used, spelled them backwards. All the active ingrediants of coke, shampoo, and a pesticide. ANd nothing.
Either bots are getting really clever, or I need an adult. And by adult, someone with red letters in their name. Support ticket sent in, but we all know how that goes, At least the populace who have supported this game since it's creation. (not me, I came in at c2)

Soo, red flags, long nights, and some help please.

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