vendredi 11 mars 2016

Choices we make, Prices we pay.

Every gear in lineage2 is in supply&demand relation; and when I look at the prices of all the stuff we have in game, some prices are just ridiculous. They often make me think, "are they really worth every adena spent?"

The other day I saw someone selling LvL1 Christmas Talisman (+1 All stats nothing extra) for 20B adena....O.K. It is one of those items that is unique and none-replaceable, so maybe for some rich PvP minded person, it is worth every adena; but for the most people with limited resources, 20B for +1 all stats is definitely not the right choice I think. I mean you can get +8 Eternal set for 20B, or +12 Blessed specter weapon & +8 seraph set all for 20B, or the full Boss jewels like AQ, Baium, Tezza, B.Zaken, Istina earring and you still probably have billions left to spend.

It seems to me that higher level we go, the more pricey things become and often at an exponential tempo. For instance, when I compare the +12 Blessed Specter bow and +12 Bloody bow, the price difference is just staggering. It's like for the price of 1 x +12 Bloody bow, you can get at least 3 x +12 B.specter bow. I have them both so I know +12 Bloody bow is better than +12 B.specter Bow but not 3 times better...but something like 20% more overall damage(200+ more weapon damage + 15% pve)

The list can go on...
COC belt: +8% damage, -9% damage taken = 30B
Ekimos, gustav type of belt: +5% damage, -5% damage taken = 5B
lvl99 PvP or Pve Belts: +6% PvP or PvE damage or -6% pvp or pve damage taken = 500m = 0.5B...10 times cheaper than Ekimos belt and 60 times cheaper than COC belt! LOL

LvL3 diamond vs LvL 5 diamond = 1B vs 20 or 30B

LvL 4 Ruby vs LvL 5 Ruby = 6B(I think for 6B, you should be able to get LvL4) vs 50B or 60B

Anyways, here is the order of gears in their importance in my opinion,

Weapon >>> armor >>> Boss Jewels >>> Longing >> LvL 3 or LvL4 Lavien Ross Jewels. I think this should be good enough for most people and for most occasions. However, after this if you still have got some adena to spend then things like COC Belt, Anakim, seven sign talisman, elemental shirts come into consideration.

I am wondering what everyone thinks is the most wise and efficient use of their adena.

Choices we make, Prices we pay.

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