mercredi 18 mars 2015

11th Anniversary! 2015

Hi Devs,

11th anniversary is just around the corner, and i have quite a straightforward request; if NC is giving out gifts based on the duration players have supported the game (like last year's gifts), could you qualify gifts based on account creation age rather than on actual character age? I'm sure you have seen last year's negative feedbacks on this issue.

Last year i was only entitled to the second oldest gifts (and newer); i missed out on the oldest category by under 30 days, and it's because i rerolled my main one or 2 months after cb started. If the team had based it on account age, i would have qualified for all. Still, i wasn't too cheesed off because at least i got the second oldest, but i feel there were many players whom did not, but should have deserved it (like the antharas agathion) but they missed out on that too, probably because they rerolled later than me, or rerolled several times.

Now, it is not uncommon that, when a game is first launched, especially with a beta phase, players would be eager to test out a variety of classes in a new game system. Even with 7 character slots (was it 7 at the start, i can't remember now), rerolls would have been common, a fair testing out period. Most people weren't even sure of the capabilities of the classes. And i think only after closed beta, there was invitation to 'secure' a second account/multiple accounts in open beta/prelude/retail; most characters created from those periods would only qualify for the second oldest gifts. So the oldest gifts would only be available to those who either got it right the very first time they playtested L2, or those who refused to reroll until today.

Last year, the complaints came after announcement of the decided event, so maybe it was unfair (or even impossible) to ask for immediate amendment to the gifting procedure. Do consider this issue for the upcoming 11th Anniversary.

Thanks for reading.

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