samedi 15 novembre 2014

Chat in Olympiad

Chat during Olympiad.

can we please bring it back?

it's very annoying to not be able to use chat functions, or receive pms while in olympiad. i enjoy chatting with friends a lot, and it's difficult to congratulate someone on a well played victory when chat is locked.

sure, some people like to trash talk, but anyone who trash talks can take it in return because it's a game to them. anyone who doesn't trash talk doesn't usually get trash talked beyond the most basic of junk that comes out of a bad players mouth.

meanwhile, complements and simple hey, how's it been... are blocked as well.

it's devastating for my L2 social life not to be able to say hello to an old friend in olympiad.

so, my lunacy aside, could we please allow chat in olympiad again.

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