jeudi 16 octobre 2014

Raid's LVL-85 Penalty for awakend players

i'm here to say the next

If players lvl 84- can't atack raids lvl 85+ (Penalty) i think the players lvl 85+ need have a penalty too... if no awakend player have a curse for atack awakend raid i think awakend player need have a raid curse too for atack no awakend raids

they can come and kill all raids lvl 85- usefull for low lvl character who want kill that rbs too and up to reach lvl 85

How can anyone come with 1 wynn summon + 1 char lvl 80 and kill all rbs and the other players need wait 4, 12, 24 hours for respawn again ? that isnt good

they are bad user but cant be juzged they wanna up too, but 1 raid for 2 chars (same person maybe) = -6 random players who wanna lvl up...

pd: excuse me for my english

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