vendredi 31 octobre 2014

NC soft. Message

Probably just another thread where you guys will "bla bla bla business bla bla bla"

well then, im sure business for nc soft is going really really REALLY bad since they haev about 6? servers open and 4 of them are dead or dying atleast. why?

the answer is pretty simple. HACKS, BOTS, SCRIPTS MAINLY, they even made this game, which in lets say for example c4? had milions of players, not it has like 10k on all servers together, because you nc soft is ***ing greedy and cant see what's opening IN FRONT OF THEM, yes you make money from a guy who scripts coz most scripters are donators, bots aswell. so?, u have max hundreds of players who donate and script and ***, when the normal people realize that most of them leave, and they are right, if u, here it comes, were like RIOT GAMES, this game would still have MILIONS OF PLAYERS, but since you guys are greedy, im sure you will, in few years, just ahve to shutdown lineage 2 coz you are NOT AT ALL FRIENDLY PLAYER, you dont give a **** about players.. guess what? most players dont give a **** about you guys and leave, and now servers are DYING. instead of having a huge community, you have a small community with hackers. if you had huge community dont you think you would make much more money? take league of legends for example, it has huge ******* community because no1 can hack there, yes it has its bugs, ******s, ragers, quitters, who cares but NO1 CAN HAVE A FREE WIN COZ OF HACKING LIKE U CAN DO HERE, and now this game is lost, coz you are ******* GREEDY.

im 100% sure they would make tons more money if they had a "free-hack community", i know thousands of players who quit this game coz of those reasons, and you just did nothing about it, nc soft is in favour of the hackers. gj now you pay your ******* price.

the idea of this game is really cool overall, its the ebst rpg out there, but you just had to sell out yourselves, im sure u still had A LOT more players if u guys werent so ******* dumb.

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