vendredi 3 octobre 2014

Macrable Mouse...or not?

So...i just bought a new macrable mouse (gxt 25 trust) , which have up to 7 buttons , i was thinking to macro it for some fast-skill like shadow chase-potions-no idea...but now i've a little problem : how do i make it work? xD

Internet doesn't have really an answer ,some says you need to download a program in order to change ur mouse set up (for example , this mouse have 2 lateral left buttons , which for internet are related to pages like "page back" or "page ahead"...or whatever they are.) others says this mouse is not macroable at all if not by game short-cut setup...

I'm quite much confused so i'll cut it off : is the mouse gxt25 from trust macrable? If yes , how do i do it?

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