mercredi 19 mars 2014

User's Agreement is false

Good Day everyone , i would like to share bad experience with you guys. Yesterday my account was banned. Like Gm said because of using "3rd program". However my character was standing in on place and i was just dual boxing the other to get my level faster. In order to user's agreement rule

21: You may not use any third-party program (such as a "bot") in order to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting or gathering items within Lineage II.

There where no automate game play going , they just banned me because i was standing in one place. And now Gm just closing my tickets and making them "solved". They are not solved , because they not providing me with any proof i am asking.

So everyone be carefull leaving charecters in city or other places , because they can be banned for reason "3rd program using".

So users agreement is false and means nothing.

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