jeudi 6 mars 2014

Ncsoft has credibility?

Where is my 1st Thread? i demand an answer! for a while i will copy paste my last thread.

These both audio's its only a litte proff about who Ncsoft dont cares the ppl instead his customers, it means, if you are a regular donator then Congratulations you already have winning the right to be botting everyday everytime and everywhere.

Forget about 3rd party software rules and punishment, just donate and donate dont worry for ban. you will be unbanned! just make a support ticket where you ask for it. so Ncsoft check your wallet and tadan, "oh my god we banned a Power donator user?... unban him right now please!!! because the care about customers.

but when we ask for an banned account without proff, we need to wait weeks for answerd and if ncsoft consider your fault will be unbanned fak aff... keep your oficial serbot of Lineage 2.

Lineage 2 from NCsoft has no decency or credibility with any player

This thread will be Deleted by a Gm/Moderator like i did before

My last post was deleted i ask why, its a genera discussion so there is no right to expression?

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