mercredi 5 mars 2014

LatinEmpire (NoobEmpire/QQEmpire) Cant play alone

LatinEmpires (QQEmpire/NoobEmpire)

cant play a pvp alone....

I write this now cause i was pvping ALONE right now vs them

Ok, lets start

universeprime at str3 try 1v1 but call bulmaro and myrmex to rescue+healer, nevermind

Go Kamel, uni alone again and again call bulmaro+myrmex+healer to rescue him AGAIN

Last 2 pvp was Me vs uni+myrmex+bulmaro+healer+3/4 noobs from the useless clan SecretOrder

so universe why u dont accept 1v1 with me :( just you BUT without your pots

Come on all server knows u cant hold a 7v7 or hold a castle (even u never had one)

So uni next time i ask you 1v1 dont port somewhere else or put me in block list

Guys what do you think about LatinEmpires:eek::eek::eek::eek:

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