vendredi 6 février 2015

My suggestions

Olympiad suggestion:

Separate each grade R and R95 and R99 and grades not mixed, so r grade vs r grade etc, and all grade have Heros, but R and R95 Heros have limits, for example, R have only color name, nothing else, R95 have + shiny aura, and something else.

Siege Suggestion:

Who add tax get passive debuff of -5% in some stat, and who not add tax get +2% in some stat.

Private Store suggestion.

IF someone start a store, will summoned somewhere, already have something like that in game "party duel", dont like stores in villages, so the idea is like this, if i make store, my char summoned in a separate large room or perhaps to Fantasy Island, and new button in action window for

Field Suggestion:

Make the whole field to pvp area, except some areas like MRT and Fantasy Island.

And in town, you get a 2 min long passive buff "invincible in pvp" and if the character leave town, the buff disappear.

Chat suggestion:

IF world chat only 95lv can use it, then make the shout !<-- only for who have noblesse status.

And limit the number in whisper to max 50 for who not have noblesse status , and with noblesse status, its unlimited.

That all i can think of right now.

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